School Uniform

The school uniform from Junior Infants to 6th class is as follows:

  • Navy v-neck sweatshirt with school crest.
  • Grey trousers/skirt/pinafore.
  • Light blue shirt or polo shirt (not crested).
  • Black school shoes (see General Points notes below).

PE Uniform

  • Navy tracksuit bottoms.
  • Navy Shorts (optional and can be worn when the weather is good).
  • Runners (see General Points notes below).

In an effort to minimise the cost of the uniform, the navy v-neck crested sweatshirt will be worn as part of the formal uniform and PE uniform also. The polo shirt is no longer crested and there is no school tie.

Suppliers Contacts

  • The sweatshirt with the school crest is available from the online shop  ‘Little Folk and More’ (046 905 4440) . They stock the complete uniform but parents are free to purchase all other items of uniform in local shops and department stores.
  • If you know your child’s size and do not need to avail of the fitting service,  orders can be placed directly through the website at any time.  The uniform pricelist and sizing etc are also available on If you  have any questions in relation to the uniform/ordering please don’t hesitate to contact Olive or a member of her team  on 087 959 3882.
  • Throughout the year, you can buy your uniform online at and have it delivered to your door!

General Points

  • Tracksuit bottoms and runners are for PE days only, unless parents are notified in advance of a change. Children who are not wearing runners will not be permitted to participate in PE lessons/activities on health & safety grounds. Ugg boots, converse runners or similar styles, or pomps are not permitted as part of school uniform.
  • It is understandable that from time to time a child may come to school without the correct uniform due to unforeseen circumstances. In this case the child should bring a written note to school explaining the reason for not having the correct uniform/tracksuit.
  • Jewellery is not permitted. Watches are allowed. One stud ear ring may be worn in each ear.
  • Hair must be kept out of the eyes at all times and long hair must be tied back and make-up is not permitted.
  • All items of uniform including coats & hats must be clearly labelled with your child’s name.
  • Every child should be encouraged to take responsibility for his/her own appearance.

It is important that our children learn to present themselves appropriately. A neat and tidy school uniform helps children to understand the importance of presentation and develops their self-esteem and self-confidence. The highest standard of personal appearance is expected at all times as it represents the standards set by our school for our children.

Accordingly, parents must ensure that pupils comply with these standards in matters of general appearance, dress, hairstyles and jewellery at all times during the school term.